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Ravana in Hindu mythology is a projection of evil. It comes from the epic “Ramayana” where truth is Rama the God, resembling your truthful fearless life and bad is Ravana the evil, resembling your miseries. Ravana is always portrayed as a ten-headed King, where his nine heads relate to the emotions of ANGER, PRIDE, JEALOUSY, HAPPINESS, SADNESS, FEAR, SELFISHNESS, PASSION, and AMBITION. The projection of these nine emotions is showcased as miseries, the devil generating from the core of a theatrical thoughtful mind. The tenth center head is projected as freedom from these emotions that is Silence/Nothingness. Ravana, as a name resembles all the emotional fear, fear that never allows one to enjoy freedom. For that first, one needs to let its mind understand and accept “I am Ravana” (means the creator of my emotions in fear). This very acceptance of fear gives the thirst to take a leap, to go beyond fear to freedom. Beyond Ravana, is a non-monetary effort from Nirmal to guide you from your nature of fear to be in bliss permanently?


Nirmal is enjoying his freedom/silence for the last few years and lives in Pune and Goa, India. Fear is every human’s only genetic nature and that is the source of its misery. Nirmal from his realization of his freedom from fear is sharing experiences, for all to be beyond their fear. He is sharing his realization through a write-up, that can be read or heard in the section “Nirmal’s Realization”, where you can realize the reality of your miseries.


Freedom comes from an awareness of watching yourself, but from Nirmal's experience of interactions with the world he has realized, that it is difficult for many to become watchful of themselves. For these unwatchful friends he has developed and experimented techniques to be dominantly aware, to self-regulate, watching the mind through physical techniques as an experience to be free from constant thoughts of emotions, illusions, imaginations, feelings and never-ending thoughts.


Nirmal would be grateful to get your cooperation in helping him to share his realization of freedom beyond fear, to you and everyone. He has designed with his personalized interaction a Meditation / Yoga retreat programme, where a group of 10 to 14 participants are required. From October to March this retreat can be arranged in Goa or in other parts of India and to make it convenient for you and friends around the world, he is comfortable to travel from April to October. To conduct the meditation retreat, at the groups convenience he can come to the place of their choice with a non-monetary gain for him. Friends, his needs are minimum, the only nominal expense that can occur to the group are his travel, stay and food. For further information about the retreats, meditation schedule/dates/programme to your convenience to participate or Nirmal’s travel, scroll the website.

Beyond Ravana


Quick Links  to Nirmal's Realization

A beautiful future depends on the right practical intelligent decision in the present moment.  


Nirmal's Realizatation

Yes, you are in Fear you know that and experiencing every moment. Nirmal, from his understanding of human fear, is sharing in few words your miseries and to be beyond them.

Retreat Program

A bridge to freedom, Nirmal has designed techniques and with a personalized interaction, he guides you to be free from your created misery from fear via an intense Meditation and Yoga retreat.

Forthcoming Retreats

Friends Nirmal is offering his hand, extend your hand for him to share his realization to your close and known ones.


Demonstration videos of techniques.

Goa Resort

A home to your freedom, an upscale beautiful beach resort, at Mandrem, North Goa, India.
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To Conduct retreats in your city - Please contact



Hello Friends, Nirmal is comfortable to come to a place of your choice to conduct the Intense Meditation and Yoga retreat. He would be grateful to get your help and cooperation in conducting this retreat to share his message of freedom beyond fear.  To conduct the meditation retreat, a group of 10 to 14 participants is required; at the groups convenience Nirmal can come to the place of their choice with no personalized monetary gain for him.


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